Wednesday, November 30, 2016

TomoTherapy H Series Provides Targeted Radiation Therapy

A graduate of the University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine, Dr. Rajiv “Raj” Dahiya works as a radiation oncologist at Premier Cancer Centers in Dallas, TX. In his practice, Dr. Raj Dahiya offers state-of-the-art radiation treatments, including the TomoTherapy® H™ Series. 

Developed by the Accuray company, the TomoTherapy® H™ Series borrows elements from CT scanning and intensity-modulated radiation therapy to achieve its highly accurate cancer treatment. Using precise imaging from CT scans, clinicians can treat tumors that sit close to healthy tissues and organs without damaging the healthy structures. 

The TomoTherapy® treatment system then divides the radiation into thousands of small beams. Patients typically spend one week undergoing the TomoTherapy® H™ Series, coming in for treatments Monday through Friday. The treatment itself takes only 15 minutes per session, and patients experience no pain during the procedure.